[anyror.gujarat.gov.in] How to Check land records in Gujarat online/Get Gujarat Old Land Record From 1951 to Today
Get the land records – Record of Rights-RoR online for various villages of Gujarat. This service is provided by the Department of Revenue, Gujarat State. Users can get details of the RoR by selecting the name of the district, taluka, village and survey number of the land.
Any RoR Gujarat Land Record –
Check Your Land Records : In simple words, land records consist of various
documents pertaining to land ownership, including sale deed—a record of the
property transaction between the seller and the buyer. Other important
documents in land records include record of rights, survey documents, and
property tax receipts, among others.
What is Any ROR Gujarat Land Record System?Any ROR Gujarat or Any Records of Rights Anywhere in Gujarat is a software application designed to help any citizen of Gujarat by providing information pertaining to land records.
The primary objective of this online portal is to give you access (only if you are a citizen of Gujarat) to your land details, land owner’s name, and more, through 7/12 Utara—an extract of the land register or records maintained by the governments of Maharashtra and Gujarat.Launched by the Revenue Department of NIC (National Informatics Centre), the software covers all districts and talukas of the state of Gujarat.Importance of Gujarat Records of Rights
Protects The Rights Of
The Owner Of The Land
Uses of Gujarat Records
of Rights
5. During land sale, the land records can be used by the buyer can verify or check the revenue records of the land through land records.
How To
Get Gujarat Old Land Record From 1955 to Today
Step 1: Visit Any ROR Gujarat website
Step 2: Click on the View Land Record Rural or View Land Record Urban
Step 3: On
the next page, you will be introduced to several links, including VF6, VF7,
VF8A, and 135D Notice for Mutation.
Step 4: To
check 7/12 land records, click VF7 Survey No. Details as shown on the image
Step 5: After that, enter all the details, including taluka, district, survey number, and village, get access to your land records.
How to check land
records online in Gujarat on AnyROR?
Step 1: Visit Official Website [Anyror]
Step 2: You
will see three options- Rural land records, Urban land records and property
Step 3: Click
on ‘View Land Record- Rural; and select ‘Know Khata By Owner Name’ from the
drop-down menu.
Step 4: Select the district, Taluka and Village and get the information required.